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Denver - October 29, from 11 to 11:30 a.m., Dr Peter Block gave Prof Shao-Liang Chen from Nanjing First Hospital an in-depth interview in the Colorado Convention Center at TCT2017 (Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapy conference). Prof Shao-Liang Chen is the initiator of DK Crush-V, which using randomized, prospective, multinational design to evaluate the efficacy and safety of DK crush over provisional side branch stenting for patients with unprotected left main bifurcation lesions.

With the further development of interventional devices , coronary bifurcation lesions remains as the one of the most challenging cardiovascular diseases to be tackled. Varies of treatment strategies need high reliability, high level of evidence before promoted in global clinical practices. With passion and faith for better clinical outcome, Prof Chen and his research team keep working on this issue over ten years, seeking a better treatment strategy  for unprotected left main bifurcation lesions. This time, he share his professional clinical experiences and perspectives with international colleagues about the "Current practice and perspectives on treatment in left main bifurcation in China" at TCT2017.

As the leading event in the fields of left main coronary artery disease and transcatheter valve disease, this year, TCT2017 presents 12 LBCTs and 16 FRIs to cause attention.  The progress of DK-V is one of the most notable results, which will be released on October 30th at 11:40 am, local time (at 1:40 a.m. on November 1, Beijing time).

Important Events at TCT2017