Program Search

Date Time Venue Session Name Name Role Presentation Title
11:15 AM-11:25 AM
Junjie Zhang Speaker DK crush: step-by-step (with a case)
11:25 AM-11:35 AM
S. Tanveer Rab Speaker Closed CABG with DK crush for LM
11:35 AM-11:45 AM
Niels Ramsing Holm Speaker OCT guided DK crush (with a case)


Haichang Wang Moderator

Weimin Wang Moderator

Shisen Jiang Discussant

Qing He Discussant

Qiang Fu Discussant

Shangyu Wen Discussant

Junqiang Yuan Discussant
12:30 PM-12:40 PM
Hao Zhang Case Reporter Case report 1:A distal LM bifurcation with LAD-CTO
12:45 PM-12:55 PM
Heping Niu Case Reporter Case report 2:A STEMI case with distal LM bifurcation lesion
1:00 PM-1:10 PM
Hukui Han Case Reporter Case report 3:A PCI case of left main bifurcation lesions,that I do
1:15 PM-1:25 PM
Linlin Qiu Case Reporter Case report 4:One case of acute pulmonary embolism and myocardial infarction caused by venous thrombosis
1:30 PM-1:40 PM
Nailiang Tian Case Reporter Case report 5:A PCI case of LM bifurcation lesions with Heavy calcification
1:45 PM-1:55 PM
Zhengzhong Wang Case Reporter Case report 6:IVUS guide LM bifurcation PCI a case report
2:00 PM-2:10 PM
Zixiang Yu Case Reporter Case report 7:A PCI of severely calcific multivessel disease with aberrant RCA origin 
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