Competitive Cases


Left Main Coronary Artery Compression in Patients With Pulmonary Arterial Hypert



Case History

Of 765 patients with PAH, 121 had angina or angina-like symptoms. Ninety-four patients had abnormal CTCA based on the relationship between the PA and the LMCA and underwent selective coronary angiography. LMCA stenosis $50% was detected in 48 of the 94 patients. Forty-five patients underwent PCI with stenting, of whom 41 had sustained angina symptom relief. The 3 other patients had surgical PA reduction plasty. Nine months after PCI, 5 patients had LMCA restenosis and PCI was successfully repeated. The best predictor of LMCA stenosis $50% was a PA diameter $40 mm. Rates for death or double-lung transplant and the composite rates for death, double-lung transplant, or restenosis at 36 months were 5% and 30%, respectively.



Physical Exam

Of 765 patients with PAH, 121 had angina or angina-like symptoms. Ninety-four patients had abnormal CTCA based on the relationship between the PA and the LMCA and underwent selective coronary angiography. LMCA stenosis $50% was detected in 48 of the 94 patients. Forty-five patients underwent PCI with stenting, of whom 41 had sustained angina symptom relief. The 3 other patients had surgical PA reduction plasty. Nine months after PCI, 5 patients had LMCA restenosis and PCI was successfully repeated. The best predictor of LMCA stenosis $50% was a PA diameter $40 mm. Rates for death or double-lung transplant and the composite rates for death, double-lung transplant, or restenosis at 36 months were 5% and 30%, respectively.


PCI Procedure


Of 765 patients with PAH, 121 had angina or angina-like symptoms. Ninety-four patients had abnormal CTCA based on the relationship between the PA and the LMCA and underwent selective coronary angiography. LMCA stenosis $50% was detected in 48 of the 94 patients. Forty-five patients underwent PCI with stenting, of whom 41 had sustained angina symptom relief. The 3 other patients had surgical PA reduction plasty. Nine months after PCI, 5 patients had LMCA restenosis and PCI was successfully repeated. The best predictor of LMCA stenosis $50% was a PA diameter $40 mm. Rates for death or double-lung transplant and the composite rates for death, double-lung transplant, or restenosis at 36 months were 5% and 30%, respectively.