CBS 2019


CBS Insight 对话 David J. Moliterno


David Moliterno教授作为JACC-Cardiovascular Interventions杂志的主编,在CBS2017大会采访环节为大家回顾了介入心脏病学过去40年的发展,从器械的革新和药物的发展两个角度简要概述了历程中的重大突破,也为我们指出未来的发展方向,并为大家简单概述了一项好的临床研究最突出的5大特征,尤其强调了研究设计的原创性、真实性。


David J. Moliterno, MD, FACP, FACC is the Jack M. Gill Chair and Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Kentucky. He received a bachelor’s degree with honors from the University of Michigan, his medical degree from the Medical College of Virginia, and his Internal Medicine training from Vanderbilt University. He completed a fellowship in Cardiovascular Medicine at The University of Texas-Southwestern Medical Center, and he completed an additional interventional cardiology fellowship at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, where he remained as an attending cardiologist for 10 years before joining the University of Kentucky.

Dr. Moliterno has been a visiting professor or invited lecturer in more than 30 countries. He is the author or coauthor of over 350 publications and editor of 7 textbooks. He has been the primary author of publications in Annals of Internal Medicine, Circulation, JACC, JAMA, Lancet, BMJ, and the New England Journal of Medicine. He was recently selected to be the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of the American College of Cardiology—Cardiovascular Interventions. As a clinical researcher, Dr. Moliterno has been a leader in numerous multinational investigational studies. Collectively, these studies have involved over $1 billion in clinical trial research. His primary research interests involve acute coronary syndromes, antithrombotic therapies, and interventional cardiology.