CBS 2019


CBS Insight with Professor Imad Sheiban

CBS Insight with Professor Imad Sheiban


Dr. Imad Sheiban, M.D has been Associated Professor of Cardiology at the University of Torino since 2003. He is now the Directorof Interventional CardiologyforPederzoli Hospital, Peschiera del Garda-Italy. Dr. Sheiban graduated from the School of Medicine at the University of Padua (Italy) and completed his Postgraduate School in Cardiology at the University of Padua (Italy). Since 1989, he performed approximately 10000 procedures of Interventional Cardiology including PTCAs, laser angioplasty, directional and rotational atherectomies, coronary stenting, IVUS, intracoronary pressure wire and flow wire studies both in elective and emergency settings. In the last two years, he also performed more than 400 peripheral angioplasty procedures including extra-cranial carotid artery angioplasty and transcatheter treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysms.

Dr. Sheiban belongs to a number of national and international scientific societies and from 1993 to 1995 he was also a Member of the Executive Board of the Italian Group of Hemodynamic Studies and Interventional Cardiology. He is actively involved in different research programmes on coronary stenting, restenosis, drug-eluting stent and non-stent based devices, left ventricular function in acute and chronic ischemia and in acute myocardial infarction and actively participating to several international multicenter trials in Interventional Cardiology. He is also owner of international patents on stent delivery system and a stent for bifurcation lesions. He also participated in writing several books and has published over 500 articles and abstracts in a wide variety of national and international journals.


Date of this Interview: Dec 1st, 2017

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