CBS 2019
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Acute Coronary Syndrom


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Long-term outcomes after myocardial infarction in middle-aged and older patients with congenital heart disease-a nationwide study Invasive Versus Medical Management in Patients With Prior Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery With a Non-ST Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial BMI, Infarct Size, and Clinical Outcomes Following Primary PCI Patient-Level Analysis From 6 Randomized Trials Effect of alirocumab on major adverse cardiovascular events according to renal function in patients with a recent acute coronary syndrome: prespecified analysis from the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES randomized clinical trial Effect of Medication Co-payment Vouchers on P2Y12 Inhibitor Use and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events Among Patients With Myocardial Infarction: The ARTEMIS Randomized Clinical Trial Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: Current State of the Science: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association Acute Noncardiac Organ Failure in Acute Myocardial Infarction With Cardiogenic Shock The (R)Evolution of the CICU - Better for the Patient, Better for Education

Original Research45 (7), 579-584 2017 Jul 24

JOURNAL:Zhonghua Xin Xue Guan Bing Za Zhi Article Link

Association Between Collateral Circulation and Myocardial Viability Evaluated by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Coronary Artery Chronic Total Occlusion

JN Li, LJ Zhang, Y He et al. Keywords: collateral circulation; CTO; MRI; myocardium


OBJECTIVE - Late gadolinium enhancement(LGE) cardiac magnetic resonance imaging(CMR) was used to evaluate the myocardial viability of chronic total occlusion(CTO) in patients with coronary heart disease and to observe the relationship between collateral circulation and myocardium viability in these patients.

METHODS -  This retrospective study included 40 patients with CTO diagnosed by invasive coronary angiography (CAG) from September 2015 to June 2016 in our department, all patients performed CMR examination within one week after CAG.The collateral circulation of CTO was graded with Rentrop classification as follows: poor or no collateral circulation group, moderate collateral circulation group and good collateral circulation group.According to CMR images, the delayed enhancement transmural extent of myocardial segments were scored, the ventricular wall motion of the myocardial segment were graded, and the wall motion score index (WMSI) was calculated.Spearman correlation analysis was used to analyze the relationship between the delayed enhancement transmural extent of myocardial segments and WMSI.

RESULTS -  In the no or poor collateral group of 6 myocardial regions, 1 myocardial region had viable myocardium and 3 myocardial regions had no viable myocardium; in the moderate collateral group of 16 myocardial regions, 11 myocardial regions had viable myocardium and 5 myocardial regions had no viable myocardium; in the good collateral group of 24 myocardial regions, 21 myocardial regions had viable myocardium and 3 myocardial regions had no viable myocardium, there was significant difference between the groups (P=0.002). The WMSI of poor or no collateral circulation group, moderate collateral circulation group and good collateral circulation group were 1.54±0.50, 1.21±0.34 and 1.26±0.40, respectively, there was no significant difference between the groups (P=0.063). Spearman correlation analysis showed that the extent of delayed enhancement transmural extent of myocardial segment was significantly associated with WMSI (r=0.638, P<0.01).

CONCLUSION -  Collateral circulation in patients with chronic total occlusion can predict myocardial viability.Increase of Rentrop grade is linked with higher possibility of the presence of viable myocardium.