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Improvement of Clinical Outcome in Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Between 1999 And 2016 in China : The Prospective, Multicenter Registry MOODY Study Impact of the US Food and Drug Administration–Approved Sex-Specific Cutoff Values for High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T to Diagnose Myocardial Infarction Prognostic Significance of Complex Ventricular Arrhythmias Complicating ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Sex Differences in Clinical Profiles and Quality of Care Among Patients With ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction From 2001 to 2011: Insights From the China Patient-Centered Evaluative Assessment of Cardiac Events (PEACE)-Retrospective Study The Wait for High-Sensitivity Troponin Is Over—Proceed Cautiously What's new in the Fourth Universal Definition of Myocardial infarction? Respiratory syncytial virus infection and risk of acute myocardial infarction Silent Myocardial Infarction and Long-Term Risk of Heart Failure: The ARIC Study

Original Researche13197, 2019 Dec 27 [Online ahead of print]

JOURNAL:Eur J Clin Invest. Article Link

Improvement of Clinical Outcome in Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Between 1999 And 2016 in China : The Prospective, Multicenter Registry MOODY Study

MX Chen, J Kan, JJ Zhang et al. Keywords: STEMI; clinical events; in-hospital death; PCI; trained operator


BACKGROUND - Reports showed no change of 7day mortality after primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for STelevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) between 2001 and 2011 in China. National rolling oneyear interventional standardized training program began in September 2009. However, the improvement in clinical outcome following STEMI PCI after 2011 remains unclear.

METHODS AND RESULTS - This multicenter MOODY registry study aimed to analyze the clinical improvement after STEMI PCI. Of a total of 9265 acute MI patients registered from 24 centers, 3142 STEMIs having a first medical contact time 12 hours and undergoing primary PCI were assigned to the Pre Group (n=1014, between March 1999 and October 2010) or the Post Group (n=2128, between 2010 November and 2016 Ocotber). The primary endpoint was inhospital cardiac death. Study endpoints were also compared between trained and untrained operators and between experienced (50 primary PCIs/year) and inexperienced personnel.


Inhospital death after PCI was 3.0% in the Pre Group, significantly higher than 1.6% in the Post Group (p=0.035). The improvements in clinical outcome after PCI between the 2016 and Pre Groups were stably sustained through oneyear followup. The significant reduction for inhospital death was noted when primary PCI was performed by trained (1.4% vs 5.4%, p<0.001) or experienced (2.7% vs 4.8%, p=0.001) operators, compared to untrained or inexperienced operators, respectively. Inclusion of the untrained operator into the conventional risk model strongly enhanced the prediction for endpoints. Age, Killip Class 3, diabetes, transradial approach, and system delay were five predictors of inhospital death after primary PCI.


CONCLUSION - PCI for STEMI by a trained and experienced operator was associated with significant reduction of inhospital death. Our results strongly warrant the need for promoting the current system response and patient education.