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Pulmonary Hypertension


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Right ventricular stroke work correlates with outcomes in pediatric pulmonary arterial hypertension Pulmonary Artery Denervation: A New, Long-Awaited Interventional Treatment for Combined Pre- and Post-Capillary Pulmonary Hypertension? Reply: Will Pulmonary Artery Denervation Really Have a Place in the Armamentarium of the Pulmonary Hypertension Specialist? Will Pulmonary Artery Denervation Really Have a Place in the Armamentarium of the Pulmonary Hypertension Specialist? Sildenafil for improving outcomes in patients with corrected valvular heart disease and persistent pulmonary hypertension: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized clinical trial Pulmonary Hypertension in Heart Failure: Pathophysiology, Pathobiology, and Emerging Clinical Perspectives Diagnosis and management of acute deep vein thrombosis: a joint consensus document from the European Society of Cardiology working groups of aorta and peripheral vascular diseases and pulmonary circulation and right ventricular function Transthoracic echocardiography for the evaluation of children and adolescents with suspected or confirmed pulmonary hypertension. Expert consensus statement on the diagnosis and treatment of paediatric pulmonary hypertension. The European Paediatric Pulmonary Vascular Disease Network, endorsed by ISHLT and D6PK

Original Research2018 Jul-Sep;8(3):2045894018780534.

JOURNAL:Pulm Circ. Article Link

Right ventricular stroke work correlates with outcomes in pediatric pulmonary arterial hypertension

Yang W, Marsden AL, Ogawa MT et al. Keywords: clinical worsening; lumped parameter model; pressure-volume (P-V) loop; right ventricular failure; risk stratification


Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is characterized by elevated pulmonary artery pressures (PAP) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). Optimizing treatment strategies and timing for transplant remains challenging. Thus, a quantitative measure to predict disease progression would be greatly beneficial in treatment planning. We devised a novel method to assess right ventricular (RV) stroke work (RVSW) as a potential biomarker of the failing heart that correlates with clinical worsening. Pediatric patients with idiopathic PAH or PAH secondary to congenital heart disease who had serial, temporally matched cardiac catheterization and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data were included. RV and PA hemodynamics were numerically determined by using a lumped parameter (circuit analogy) model to create pressure-volume (P-V) loops. The model was tuned using optimization techniques to match MRI and catheterization derived RV volumes and pressures for each time point. RVSW was calculated from the corresponding P-V loop and indexed by ejection fraction and body surface area (RVSWEF) to compare across patients. Seventeen patients (8 boys; median age = 9.4 years; age range = 4.4-16.3 years) were enrolled. Nine were clinically stable; the others had clinical worsening between the time of their initial matched studies and their most recent follow-up (mean time = 3.9 years; range = 1.1-8.0 years). RVSWEF and the ratio of pulmonary to systemic resistance (Rp:Rs) values were found to have more significant associations with clinical worsening within one, two, and five years following the measurements, when compared with PVR index (PVRI). A receiver operating characteristic analysis showed RVSWEF outperforms PVRI, Rp:Rs and ejection fraction for predicting clinical worsening. RVSWEF correlates with clinical worsening in pediatric PAH, shows promising results towards predicting adverse outcomes, and may serve as an indicator of future clinical worsening.