CBS 2019




Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivorship: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association European Bifurcation Club White Paper on Stenting Techniques for Patients With Bifurcated Coronary Artery Lesions Influence of LDL-Cholesterol Lowering on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Undergoing Coronary Revascularization Association between urinary dickkopf-3, acute kidney injury, and subsequent loss of kidney function in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: an observational cohort study Variation in Revascularization Practice and Outcomes in Asymptomatic Stable Ischemic Heart Disease Efficacy and safety of rosuvastatin vs. atorvastatin in lowering LDL cholesterol : A meta-analysis of trials with East Asian populations 2014 AHA/ACC Guideline for the Management of Patients with Non-ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines Society of cardiac angiography and interventions: suggested management of the no-reflow phenomenon in the cardiac catheterization laboratory Novel functions of macrophages in the heart: insights into electrical conduction, stress, and diastolic dysfunction Comparison of Heart Team vs Interventional Cardiologist Recommendations for the Treatment of Patients With Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease

ConsensusMarch 27, 2020

JOURNAL:Circulation. Article Link

CSC Expert Consensus on Principles of Clinical Management of Patients with Severe Emergent Cardiovascular Diseases during the COVID-19 Epidemic

YL Han , HS Zeng , H Jiang et al. Keywords: COVID-19; consensus ; severe emergent cardiovascular diseases